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Collector Car Appreciation Day 9 July 2010

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Collector Car Appreciation Day 9 July 2010

Postby 4N2NR » 02 Jun 2010, 20:51

As you may be aware, the United States Senate has issued a resolution http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d111:S.Res.513: designating Friday, July 9, 2010 as “Collector Car Appreciation Day.” This effort was undertaken by your SAN representatives in Washington, D.C. as a means to raise awareness of the vital role automotive restoration and collection plays in American society. As the date approaches, events, car shows, and cruises are being planned nationwide. How will you recognize the day?

SEMASAN is anxious to hear about the events you are planning to commemorate the first ever Collector Car Appreciation Day! If an event is scheduled in your area, please let us know so we can publicize your show or cruise on the SEMASAN.com. The list will enable enthusiasts from all of the country to find events in their area at which they can celebrate their passion for collector cars and America’s great hobby.

Please send your event information (including date/time/location and contact information) to me at ethanl@sema.org

Events can be found at: http://www.semasan.com/main/main.aspx?id=62762
I put the FUN in dysfunctional!

Just tell her you are fixing it for someone and it is not yours and when they never show up to pick it up tell her you are keeping it for all of the work you put into it.
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