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This Could Be You! - model representative search

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This Could Be You! - model representative search

Postby 4N2NR » 11 Jul 2009, 11:44

Do you think you have the looks to be the next StreetEXtremes model representative?


If so, submit your photo(s) and a brief bio to an admin team member for consideration.
We are looking for tastefully done photographs in the StreetEXtremes silhouette pose. Please do not post nudes as that is not what we are looking for. However, bikini shots are welcome! The higher the photo resolution the better. We prefer quality over quantity.
I put the FUN in dysfunctional!

Just tell her you are fixing it for someone and it is not yours and when they never show up to pick it up tell her you are keeping it for all of the work you put into it.
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Joined: 01 Mar 2009, 17:59
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