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Driving Force Newsletter - October 2009

Two topics as old as time and discussed often. Some members are very passionate about these subjects. You can't be thin skinned if you are posting in here. Just a friendly reminder to keep it civil - no personal attacks. Come one, come all, lets talk about the most important subjects of all time - governments and churches. Everybody is welcome but please, no fist fights, no violence, nothing but healthy discussions and sharing of ideas. No doubt someone will take exception to your point of view.

Driving Force Newsletter - October 2009

Postby 4N2NR » 30 Sep 2009, 17:22

Keep Your Foot On The Gas
With Most Legislatures in Recess, Now is the Time to Voice Your Opinion

“We the people of the United States” are not just words from the first line of an old document. We are the people who love musclecars, hot rods, street rods, tuners, replicas, off-road trucks, and many other varieties of automotive pursuits that are as diverse as the country in which we live. We are also the people who have to work to protect our automotive passions from unnecessary, unfair, or well intentioned but poorly written laws and regulations. Fortunately, we the people live in a country where we can still make a difference in how we are governed.

Our greatest tool in making that difference is our voice. By speaking out on issues that concern the automotive hobby, contacting our representatives, and working constructively with government officials, we have the power to protect our passion and keep it safe for future generations of auto hobbyists and enthusiasts. With most legislatures out of session, representatives are in their home districts and typically have more time to meet casually with their constituents. This is also the time of year when they are planning for the next legislative session and deciding which bills to introduce. Contacting them now can have a tremendous impact by raising their awareness of issues that could impact our hobby during the next session. That is what makes right now the perfect time to get involved and build relationships with your legislators, so hit the gas and keep your foot down!

Entire October Newsletter
I put the FUN in dysfunctional!

Just tell her you are fixing it for someone and it is not yours and when they never show up to pick it up tell her you are keeping it for all of the work you put into it.
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